Product Industrial EN
Andon products
1. Overview of ANDON ADSUN system (Wired system)

To meet the increasing demand in Vietnam market, mainly in factories, in industrial zones throughout the country. Anh Duong Electronics and Telecommunication Joint Stock Company (ADSUN JSC) we would like to introduce a multi-function ANDON ADSUN SYSTEM production management support system manufactured and supplied by our company.
2. Overview of ANDON ADSUN system (Wireless system)

This is the wired version upgrade system. The new system is designed to control in detail the events at each important stage in the production process – It is a wireless technology so it is very convenient for construction, installation and time saving. job. The system helps managers to control production processes and troubleshooting better and faster with the highest reliability.
3. Overview of Remote control system for electrical equipment

The monitoring and switching control system of the control valve of the ADSUN energy valve system meets all the needs of monitoring sources, the status of equipment of all systems serving production in factory.
4. Automatic product classification system by using BARCODE

It is a system that operates on the principle that some standard barcode samples have been loaded into the system – this is a sample set used for comparison and determines whether the product meets the requirements before it is marketed.
5. Supplies – Accessories used in ANDON ADSUN system

1. Beacon: Signaling position, status required of each working position. Various types: 1 color lamp, 2 color tower, 3 color tower …
2.Key press: For terminals at the working position – where the worker activates the event.
3. Kết nối (connector): Nhiều loại thiết bị nối kết tín hiệu trong hệ thống.
4. Sensor: Infrared sensor, proximity sensor.
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